My Blog List

I started this blog on my 80th birthday, 22 April 2009. Mostly this blog is the result of mining my hard drive, which contains stuff I have written dating back to 1938. I have been trying to include a variety of kinds of content. Categories now include: autobiography, drama, economics, essay, fable, futures studies, humor, poetry, politics, satire, short stories, and stuff to think about. This blog's category is Poetry.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Poetry Index

Poetry Index

[Across dawn-red clouds] .............................. (5) 2nd decade 1942
Adon Olam ............................................. (9) 2nd decade 1945
Alone at Night ....................................... (12) 2nd decade 1947
Anti-Privacy ......................................... (27) 3rd decade 1951
Aviate or Deviate .................................... (34) 3rd decade 1958
Becoming Flesh ....................................... (33) 3rd decade 1958
[Between two poles hung,] ............................ (13) 2nd decade 1947
Beyond Cosmogony ...................................... (8) 2nd decade 1945
Bonjour Jeunesse ..................................... (42) 3rd decade 1958
Come, Ride with Me ................................... (21) 2nd decade 1949
Conversation ......................................... (46) 4th decade 1959
A Dialog on Gamete Politics .......................... (39) 3rd decade 1958
Dialogue ............................................. (48) 4th decade 1961
Dion ................................................. (18) 2nd decade 1949
Earliest Memory ...................................... (36) 3rd decade 1958
Early Waking ......................................... (32) 3rd decade 1958
Evening Snow -- Naked Branches -- Gray Sky ........... (15) 2nd decade 1948
For EBS .............................................. (22) 2nd decade 1949
Four Hours Till Dawn .................................. (4) 2nd decade 1942
[Halfway up the hill,] ............................... (57) 4th decade 1965
Hello - Goodbye ....................................... (6) 2nd decade 1944
Hunt ................................................. (29) 3rd decade 1952
If Sweet Love Be Poetry .............................. (11) 2nd decade 1947
I Laugh with Joy ...................................... (1) 1st decade 1939
[In life's dark movie theater] ........................ (3) 2nd decade 1941
Intellectuals ........................................ (25) 3rd decade 1950
[In the misty park] ................................... (7) 2nd decade 1944
Introduction to Greek ................................ (20) 2nd decade 1949
I Remember Our Song .................................. (53) 4th decade 1963
The Locked Door ...................................... (55) 4th decade 1965
Lying Love ........................................... (50) 4th decade 1962
Many in One .......................................... (40) 3rd decade 1958
Masochistic Conversation ............................. (19) 2nd decade 1949
My Dark Lady ......................................... (31) 3rd decade 1954
Nocturnal Landscape, Mostly Sky ...................... (16) 2nd decade 1948
On the Dazzling Plain ................................ (28) 3rd decade 1951
One Evening in the Past .............................. (44) 3rd decade 1958
Parade Drill ......................................... (17) 2nd decade 1948
The Passionate Liar to His Love ...................... (41) 3rd decade 1958
Prayer ............................................... (26) 3rd decade 1951
Prolegomenon to a World Government Constitution ....... (2) 2nd decade 1940
[Psycho-neurotic, -somatic, -psychotic,] ............. (10) 2nd decade 1946
Roller-Coaster Ride .................................. (54) 4th decade 1964
Self-Created ......................................... (30) 3rd decade 1953
Sketch for a Portrait of Ellen ....................... (23) 3rd decade 1950
Son on Water ......................................... (43) 3rd decade 1958
To Gloria R. Gerjuoy ................................. (24) 3rd decade 1950
To My Unknown Wife ................................... (49) 4th decade 1962
To My Wife on the Occasion of My Addressing
a Therapy Group for Unwed Fathers .................... (47) 4th decade 1960
Two Meditations on Hiroshima ......................... (38) 3rd decade 1958
Two Voices ........................................... (14) 2nd decade 1947
Under Cover .......................................... (35) 3rd decade 1958
Variation on a Theme by Shakespeare .................. (56) 4th decade 1965
[When does a man like me weep? When I came] .......... (51) 4th decade 1963
When I Am the Glorious Leader, What Will I Do with You?(45) 4th decade 1959
[You can do all sorts of taboo things if you . . . .]. (37) 3rd decade 1958

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About Me

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I have taught in college or university departments of business, computer science, economics, management, mathematics, psychology, public administration, social science, social work, and statistics. Research interests include development of computer programs for analyzing an individual's semantic space, laying the groundwork for intercommunication about "private" affect; interactions of mind, body, and universe. I have about 200 professional publications and papers at major scientific meetings. Current projects include: participation in and support of practice and study of Nonviolent Communication, helping organize and support Network of Spritual Progressive activities, participation in prostate cancer support, and participation in Kehilat Chaverim, a volunteer cooperative rabbi-less and synagogue-less Jewish congregation. I am currently writing a new gender-neutral and non-tribal Jewish prayer book.


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